
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Winter is Coming........ so I guess we need a coat rack

Look at it! Isn't it the cutest? Look how perfectly it fits into our little corner behind the front door! After many unsuccessful attempts at using command hooks as a purse/coat hook, I finally caved and bought this $50 entryway thingy. Brilliant! It took Atlas and me a few tries to put it together right, but now we can look back on our struggles nostalgically. "Aw wasn't it so sweet when I called you a dumbass for screwing the hooks on backwards?" How lucky we are.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Intro: A String of Lights

Hey! I'm Leah. I'm 23 and I live in Burlington, Vermont with my fabulous fiancé, Atlas, and our rental cat Willow.

We moved into our apartment in June of this year, and I am absolutely obsessed with making it the best home it can be. I don't always have the most clever ideas, but sometimes all it takes is a string of lights to transform a room.

But don't worry, sometimes I do leave the apartment for adventures in this amazing little state.

I'll keep in touch.

Images by Freepik